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LCL Mes Comptes

Collaboration with Backelite to develop APP to check the balance of the accounts, take an appointment with a counselor or follow the news (income taxes, card deadlines, etc).

  • Code initially in Objective-C, much migrated in Swift 4.
  • Static libraries migrated to dynamic to enable development new functionalities in Swift.
  • Added centralized systhem for translations. Automatization process with scripts and SwiftGen / Sourcery.
  • Added custom utility library.
  • Created bridge between ReactiveCocoa and RxSwift.
  • Started to use Atomic Design concept creating a reusable components library.
  • Reactive Programming. RxSwift, ReactiveCocoa, RxTest, RxBlocking
  • MVVM
  • Sonar
  • Swiftlint
  • Agile, JIRA
  • ...
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